What is Dharma? – My journey to purpose

In ancient Vedic philosophy, our dharma is said to be our purpose. The best way we can serve society and ultimately ourselves. Think of it as our external spirituality, our sense of the moral and ethical in the world. It is said that if we address our dharma, we will live a fulfilling life. Just as each of us has our own unique fingerprint, so do we have our own unique dharma, a gift of genius to bring to the world.

As a society, it is each of us showing up in our own genius and working together as a unified whole that brings balance. Some people are meant to be nurturers, some protectors, some teachers, some merchants or salesman, and yet others are activists.  All are needed, all are equal. By living in our true nature, fulfilling our purpose, we help create balance and harmony in society. We can’t all be business people, or the world is out of balance. Which seems to be where we find ourselves today, in a world that values business and money above all else. We don’t seem to value our teachers, those who protect, those who find value in being in service or the brave souls who hold up our integrity by being activists.

Some of us are lucky to have a life purpose that aligns with what society values or have found a way to monetize a skill in this framework that feels fulfilling. So many of us find ourselves, well into successful careers that we are very good at that don’t necessarily fulfill us. We work hard so that someday we can do the work and contribute to the world in a way that feels fulfilling. It may be that you have a deep longing to be or contribute that is yet to come to fruition. I like to imagine a world where we are all able to bring our gifts to the world and offer our best and highest use and have that be needed, recognized and honored by society.

Finding my purpose has been a driving force in my life. Both understanding what it is and offering it to the world. It has been markedly defined by the transformational work I have been doing over the last two years. I recently completed a two-year coaching and cultural leadership program rooted in understanding the equity imbalance in our world. I also spent the greater part of the last several years in private study with Sophie Simpson of Blue Banyan Yoga and other legacy holders of ancient Ayurvedic Spiritual Science.  This work, which Sophie has practiced for more than a decade, has transformed my understanding of myself and others. I have seen first-hand how it can help people find their truth and thrive in the world. So, I have taken a step forward in bringing this work to the world through my own practice.



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