
Services - for groups & individuals

If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him... We need not wait to see what others do.”

– Ghandi

Transformational Growth for Individuals and in Community
Customized services for organizations, groups and individuals to support
them in creating transformational growth.
On our journey, we often find ourselves pressing up against the edges of outdated beliefs and behaviors created from the framework of our younger selves and the world around us. It may be that we find ourselves in roles or with responsibilities that don’t align with what brings us fulfillment, or aren’t our greatest possible contribution to the world. It may be that we are experiencing a pattern of behavior that is limiting to what we hope to create for ourselves, what we know no longer serves us. We may be challenged by what we have left unresolved in life. In an individualistic society where we are expected and rewarded in taking things on in solitude, we often feel alone in taking on the world. Coupled with an epidemic of chronic unworthiness in our society, people are left feeling disconnected to ourselves and each other and unfulfilled in our lives. We are all in relationship BUDDHAand it is vital to face these and other challenges in presence of community. Sarah believes that understanding who we are, what’s possible for ourselves and others in an environment of trust and belonging enables us to thrive. She brings her extensive training as a coach and in Eastern Wisdom practices to the group setting, cultivating the opportunity to face life’s greatest challenges in the safety of group.

Sarah’s work in this space takes on several different forms and can be customized to fit the needs of the group; they often include co-facilitation with expert partners. Programs are designed to create safe spaces, facilitate open and honest conversation, and transform individual life challenges into opportunity.

Transformational workshop tools & methods:

  • Group and individual coaching: Dive into the Self through coaching practices and Eastern wisdom methodologies within a space of trust and belonging to create transformation in your life. Customized programming based on individual or collective preferences.
  • Meditation: Mindfulness, Mantra, Japa, Sensation, and Intuitive Energy meditation practices to facilitate the journey inward.
  • Yoga and healing movement: Asana and or pranayama practices can be the focus or an element of customized programming to help create the individual and collective energy and space for transformation.
  • Ritual & Satsang: Spiritual gathering and ritual around ancient Eastern wisdom practices (may include chanting with harmonium, storytelling, meditation, offerings etc.) and/or founded in quantum physics (such as manifestation and the Law of Attraction).
  • Ayurvedic Spiritual Science: LifePrintTM, an ancient Ayurvedic spiritual science rooted in the Vedas. Understand the key elements of your nature and gain health and wellness practices customized to your own individual makeup through this ancient practice.